Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My last night in San Jose

The rent is paid, my roommate has money for utilities, my car will be parked at work and driven by my co-worker (until he joins me in Korea), the bags are packed, and tomorrow I'm off to Korea. As unusual as this trip is in my life, I'm sure it's routine for some people but the anxiety of my first trip overseas is unsettling. My mind is awash with thoughts of what I'm going to experience in the Land of the Morning Calm: the food, the language, the customs, the lifestyle -- everything will be totally new to me.

My phone has been buzzing out of my pocket all day with friends calling to wish me well in my travels, constant reminders of how much I'm going to miss the community of friends I've gathered in the short two years I've been living in San Jose. This evening my roommate and I cooked dinner together, and I think it's the little things like that I'll miss the most.

I know it's going to be difficult to sleep tonight, I have a million things running through my mind thinking about what I've forgotten to pack, but I can sleep on the flight.

Next post: South Korea.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, there's the yellow hat. We're going to miss it AND its wearer.

Have a great flight. Can't wait to read the first Korea post.